Being “Créateurs de convivialité”, we want to turn social interactions into genuine and friendly experiences of sharing and wellbeing. But the pre-condition for conviviality is responsibility.
Pernod Ricard acknowledges that the misuse of alcohol can cause harm to individuals and their communities. We have a role to play in combatting the harmful use of alcohol. We work together with industry members, civil society, governments and local authorities, as well as UN bodies, to prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol, as real change can only be achieved in unison with others. By tackling harmful drinking, we want to create a more convivial world, a world without excess.
What we are doing
As a responsible company, we want to ensure that our brands are enjoyed responsibly. Creating conviviality requires us to help adult consumers make responsible choices about whether, when and how much to drink. Some people should not drink at all, and we notably take a strong stance against underage drinking. Some people choose not to drink, and we always respect that choice.
For this, Pernod Ricard has a responsible drinking strategy focusing on tackling the harmful use of alcohol, which fully supports the World Health Organization’s goal of reducing harmful drinking by 10% worldwide by 2025. It encompasses a wide range of initiatives targeting its employees, consumers, specific target audiences and the whole society. We all should be ambassadors of responsible drinking.
The set of tools varies from in-house trainings and self-regulating standards to communication campaigns and evidence-based prevention programmes. By using this all-round approach, we aim at finding the most efficient ways to fight the harmful use of alcohol.

Our commitments
We believe that targeted preventive actions are an effective way of fighting the harmful use of alcohol and keeping alcohol consumption a safe and enjoyable experience. Pernod Ricard contributes to a variety of responsible drinking programmes throughout the world, through its affiliates and in close collaboration with the industry, civil society, governments and local partners. Originally created in partnership with the Erasmus Student Network, Responsible Party is a project which tackles binge drinking by reducing alcohol-related harm and by raising awareness about responsible consumption among young adults, through online campaigns and on the ground activations. Our Drink More Water initiative, under the umbrella of Responsible Party, has reached 400 million people online and 9 million through on the ground activations during iconic music festivals, carnivals, events, and student parties.
Since 2020, we have also partnered with the United Nation Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to roll out the Autosobriety programme to educate drivers about the risks of drinking and driving and to help prevent alcohol-related traffic crashes and fatalities. In FY23, the Autosobriety programme was expanded to additional countries, bringing the programme to eight countries in total (South Africa, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Ecuador, Poland, Cambodia, China, Vietnam).
ActionContribute to, at least one global or local responsible drinking initiative to fight alcohol misuse in all Group markets by 2025.
The Group is committed fighting alcohol misuse at every point of the consumer journey. A new commitment has been formally taken to leverage the creativity of its brands to deliver responsibility messages to consumers through dedicated campaigns.
Pernod Ricard believes that marketing can be a force for good, creating social value and helping consumers adopt responsible behaviour regarding alcohol. Brands know how to talk to consumers and their campaigns can be an effective way of changing attitudes and making alcohol abuse socially unacceptable.
ActionRoll out at least 12 campaigns in our strategic brands to promote responsible drinking behaviour amongst their consumers by 2027.
We are committed to providing quality information to our consumers, advising them when to avoid drinking alcohol, how to consume alcohol responsibly, as well as providing them with the ingredients and the nutritional value of our products.
Pernod Ricard wants to be a champion of the industry commitments taken in Europe and globally with our industry associations. We want to inform our consumers, on- and off- pack as appropriate, about the nutritional value and ingredients of our products, and we will place an age restriction logo and a logo warning against driving while intoxicated – in addition to the logo warning against drinking while pregnant – in all markets where we distribute our products, provided that it is not restricted by local laws.
We also recently launched a digital label to offer our consumers an efficient solution to their growing demand for more transparency about our products. The e-label will provide information on the health risks associated with alcohol consumption, low risk drinking guidelines specific to each country, the list of ingredients and full nutrition facts as well as other relevant responsible drinking information. In FY23, 41% of our products featured the digital label.
ActionFeature the three responsible drinking logos on all Pernod Ricard products, by 2024.
ActionFeature a digital label on all Pernod Ricard products informing consumers on product contents, potential health risks and how to enjoy them responsibly, by 2024.
Our employees are the first and best ambassadors for responsible drinking. The Group enlists its employees worldwide with the common goal of reducing the harmful use of alcohol and promoting moderate responsible drinking, both internally and externally.
ActionMaintain all Group employees trained through the MOOC on alcohol and responsible drinking every year.
ActionTrain our sales staff and brand ambassadors on the responsible sale of alcohol by 2025.
All our brands must communicate externally with a due sense of ethics and social responsibility, through non-biased, respectful and responsible campaigns which respect everyone and do not target unwanted audiences.
We believe that strong self-regulation is effective in meeting the ethical expectations of consumers and stakeholders in a rapidly changing media landscape. Our Code for Commercial Communications ensures that the Group’s commercial communications do not encourage or condone irresponsible consumption or misuse of any kind. It also contains the Digital Guiding Principles to set the same high standards as traditional marketing.
ActionComply at 95% with the IARD Digital Guiding Principles (DGPs) by 2024.
ActionReach full completion rate every year for the e-learning for the Code for Commercial Communications for marketing, communications, legal, public affairs and CSR functions.
ActionHave no complaint, every year, upheld against Pernod Ricard’s marketing campaigns.
We want our products to be sold responsibly on digital platforms, and we want to ensure that they’re not sold or delivered to minors or delivered to intoxicated people.
Pernod Ricard has taken an active role in developing with our industry peers the IARD’s Global Standards for online Alcohol Sales and Delivery. These global safeguards mark the first world coalition to prevent the online sale and delivery of alcohol to underage individuals and to reduce harmful drinking among adults.
ActionImplement age-gating on all direct-to-consumer Pernod Ricard websites by 2022.
As a responsible host, we want to offer our guests safe experiences when enjoying our products. To this end, we increase internal awareness and rigour in the way we organise our events and brand home visits to offer responsible experiences to our guests.
We are putting in place a “Responsible Host” accreditation scheme to ensure best in class responsible drinking practices in all its brand homes worldwide. We have partnered with the Sustainable Restaurant Association who will be auditing the compliance of our brand homes with the Responsible Host Standards and deliver the Responsible Host Certificate.
ActionObtain the “Responsible Host” certification for all Group brand homes by 2025.
ActionRaise awareness of 10 million visitors on responsible drinking through its certified Responsible Host brand homes by 2030.
We have launched a free ‘Bar World of Tomorrow’ training course in partnership with the Trash collective and the Sustainable Restaurant Association to help develop more sustainable bartending practices. It provides sustainable and responsible tools and support for our on-trade partners, focused around the five Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respect, Rethink.
ActionTrain 10,000 bartenders on all aspects of S&R through the Group’s Bar World of Tomorrow by 2030.

Case Studies
Find out more about our initiatives to fight alcohol misuse.
A digital label solution to foster responsible consumer choices
Autosobriety: Preventing Drink Driving
Drink More…Water
Bar World of Tomorrow - A new community of bartending changemakers
Our Role in Society
We believe there is no conviviality in excess and follow a number of guiding principles to advocate for the responsible consumption and marketing of alcohol.
We are a proud partner of
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to reducing harmful drinking and promoting understanding of responsible drinking. To advance this shared mission, IARD works and partners with public sector, civil society, and private stakeholders.
A global network committed to improving international education and providing self-development opportunities to millions of young people, fostering intercultural understanding and creating positive change in society.