Our vision
We are unlocking the magic of human connection to grow our business, transform our industry, and make a positive impact on the world. We do this by creating convivialité. Our ambition is to turn every social interaction into a genuine and friendly experience of sharing.
Convivialité is the glue that binds us together, it allows us to meet our innate human need of connecting with one another. Convivialité is the force beyond us, one that carries us, an energy that brings us closer together.
We crave convivialité because it is inherent to humanity and a true source of joy. When we are open to meeting people as our most authentic selves and we share convivial moments, our lives become so much brighter and more vibrant!
In those moments we become convivialists – a role each and every one of us should embrace.
Sustainability & Responsibility
Our 2030 roadmap is named “Good Times from a Good Place” and is comprised of four pillars, Nurturing Terroir, Valuing People, Circular Making and Responsible Hosting, address all aspects of our business from grain to glass. Each of our pillars sets out ambitious goals and targets to drive innovation, brand differentiation and attract top talent.
Our Leadership Team
Our Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Committees ensure that we lead our organisation in an ethical and transparent manner and in the best interests of our stakeholders.
Our History
In 1975 Paul Ricard and Jean Hémard founded Pernod Ricard by merging their two anise-based spirits companies. The two partners set out with shared enthusiasm, creative innovation and an ambitious goal of global leadership.
Our Role in Society
As an industry leader we are mindful of our influence and so embedded in our business is respect and responsibility for each other, our communities and our planet because we believe there is no conviviality in excess, especially when it comes to drinking.
Our Artistic Legacy
Our founder Paul Ricard’s love of creativity and art drove his philanthropy, and we carry on that mission today by supporting artists and artistic creation.