How to be a responsible host or guest

Article 18/12/2019

At Pernod Ricard, we are committed to promoting responsible consumption. We believe that there is nothing convivial about excess. To ensure that consuming our products continues to be an enjoyable experience, we want to share with you some great tips around how to be both a responsible host and a responsible guest.  

How to be a responsible host

Respect ' respect your guests' choice not to drink or to drink moderately and don't pressure anyone to drink. 

Moderation - Don't overserve and don't top up glasses, your guests will thank you. To help your guests keep track of how much they are drinking, use standard measures when pouring your drinks.

Water - Make sure water and non-alcoholic beverages are available for your guests. 

Food - Always provide food for your guests.

Adults only - Keep an eye on any underage guests to ensure they cannot access alcoholic drinks.
Safe journey home - Make sure everyone can get home safely. Drink driving is not an option. 


How to be a responsible guest

Moderation - Pace yourself, take your time and keep track of how much you drink.

Know what you are drinking - Understand the strength of your drink and the size of your serving.

Respect - Some people should not drink (such as minors and pregnant women) and others choose not to drink. Always respect their choice, it's also part of Convivialité.

Keep hydrated - Alternate your drinks with water or non-alcoholic beverages. 

Have some food - Eating food before and while you drink will slow down the absorption of alcohol, but it will not prevent you from getting drunk.

Safe journey home - Drink driving is not an option. Plan ahead on how you will get to and from events and then back home safely. 


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