Annual General Meeting 2020 - A Covid-19 Update

Article 07/10/2020

Given the evolving situation with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic, Pernod Ricard may have to change the attendance procedures for the Shareholders' Meeting on 27 November 2020.

In the event that the conditions provided for by order no. 2020-321 of 25 March 2020 are met, the Shareholders' Meeting on 27 November 2020 could be held without the public being present. We ask you to regularly check the Shareholders' Meeting section on the Pernod Ricard website, which will confirm the final arrangements for attending this Shareholders' Meeting depending on the health and/or legal requirements.

Due to the circulation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the government's recommendations to avoid public gatherings, the Board of Directors calls for the utmost caution in this context and recommends that each shareholder gives preference to voting by mail or by giving proxy to the Chairman rather than being physically present, in order to limit the risk of spread of the virus during the Shareholders' Meeting. 

The Company, concerned with limiting as much as possible the risks of contact between shareholders who choose to attend our Shareholders' Meeting, will not hold a coffee reception and no gifts will be distributed this year. The Company will make its best efforts to ensure that the social distancing measures are respected during the Shareholders' Meeting but the Company will not incur any liability for any contamination of persons who decide, under their sole responsibility, to physically participate in the Shareholders' Meeting.

All measures have been taken to facilitate remote voting, shareholders can vote without physically participating in the Shareholders' Meeting by remote means (postal vote or proxy), using the voting form in the section dedicated to Shareholders' Meetings on the Company's website Or via the secure online voting platform VOTACCESS. 

As part of the relationship between the Company and its shareholders, the Company strongly encourages them to give preference to transmitting all their requests and documents electronically to the following address:


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About pernod ricard

Pernod Ricard is a worldwide leader in the spirits and wine industry, blending traditional craftsmanship, state-of-the-art brand development, and global distribution technologies. Our prestigious portfolio of premium to luxury brands includes Absolut vodka, Ricard pastis, Ballantine’s, Chivas Regal, Royal Salute, and The Glenlivet Scotch whiskies, Jameson Irish whiskey, Martell cognac, Havana Club rum, Beefeater gin, Malibu liqueur and Mumm and Perrier-Jouët champagnes. Our mission is to ensure the long-term growth of our brands with full respect for people and the environment, while empowering our employees around the world to be ambassadors of our purposeful, inclusive and responsible culture of authentic conviviality. Pernod Ricard’s consolidated sales amounted to € 12,137 million in fiscal year FY23. Pernod Ricard is listed on Euronext (Ticker: RI; ISIN Code:FR0000120693) and is part of the CAC 40 and Eurostoxx 50 indices

Contacts Pernod Ricard

Florence Tresarrieu
Global SVP Investors Relations and Treasury
Tel: +33 (0) 1 70 93 17 03
Charly Montet
Investor Relations Manager
Tel: +33 (0) 1 70 93 17 13
Emmanuel Vouin
Head of External Engagement
Tel: +33 (0) 1 70 93 16 34