Boards & Committees
A French citizen and graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques of Paris and of the École Nationale d’Administration (ENA), Ms Anne Lange began her career within the office of the Prime Minister as Director of the State-Controlled Broadcasting Office. In 1998, she joined Thomson as Manager of Strategic Planning before being appointed Head of the eBusiness Europe Department in 2000. In 2003, Ms Anne Lange took up the function of General Secretary of the Rights on the Internet Forum, a public body reporting to the office of the Prime Minister. From 2004 to 2014, she joined the Cisco Group and successively hold the positions of Director of Public Sector Europe, Executive Director Global Media and Public Sector Operations (in the USA) and finally Innovation Executive Director within the Internet Business Solution Group division.
Having become an entrepreneur, Ms Anne Lange founded Mentis in 2014, a start-up specialised in the technology of application platforms and connected objects, and collaborates with major groups on mobility solutions and management of urban space, placing it at the centre of the connected territories’ revolution. After the resale of this company, Ms Anne Lange embarked on a new entrepreneurial project that revolutionised the residential sector by offering premium quality shared Clubhouses. As an active Business Angel seasoned in detecting innovation, Ms Anne Lange acts as Senior Advisor for start-ups, large technology groups, strategy consulting firms and more traditional companies looking to find their own way along the transformation path. She is a member of the boards of directors of several listed companies (Orange, Pernod Ricard, Inditex, Peugeot Invest). Ms Anne Lange has expertise in innovation and digital technology, which she has developed over 20 years in both private and public sectors, from a global perspective.
Ms Anne Lange has been a Director of Pernod Ricard since 2016.