Among its News Year's resolutions Pernod Ricard bans plastic straws and stirrers

We believe that small acts have a big impact - and that is why Pernod Ricard has decided to stop using non-biodegradable plastic straws and stirrers in any part of its business. Kicking off the year with concrete resolutions, the Group has asked all its affiliates globally to ensure they are not used at any Pernod Ricard events in the future, as has been the case since the run up to the holiday season.

The drinks industry has been using them for decades and following the rebirth of cocktails there has been an explosion in their usage adorning glasses globally. A straw which is only used on average for 20 minutes can take more than 200 years to breakdown into smaller pieces and often does not fully disintegrate.

Vanessa Wright, recently appointed Group VP Sustainability & Responsibility, says: 'The history of Pernod Ricard and our values are intrinsically linked to social responsibility and care ' it is a part of us, and the creation of the Paul Ricard Oceanography Institute more than 50 years is a concrete example. We know that this type of non-biodegradable plastic is having a detrimental impact on the environment and oceans, and for us it's crucial that we play our role in helping to prevent any further damage '

Along with contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Pernod Ricard is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. Pernod Ricard's 2020 Roadmap includes reducing its waste to landfills with an ambitious goal: from 913 tons today to 0 by 2020.


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